Nitrous Oxide Sedation / General Anaesthesia

We believe that enabling your child to cope well with their dental treatment now is essential to ensuring they are happy to visit the dentist for years to come. We use familiarisation techniques and desensitisation protocols to introduce your child to dentistry in an enjoyable and relaxed manner. However, if required we can provide comprehensive dental care under nitrous oxide sedation in the dental chair or under general anaesthetic in a day-stay hospital setting.

Nitrous oxide is often called “laughing gas” or “happy gas”. It is a safe and effective way to reduce anxiety in otherwise co-operative older children. It is administered through a flavoured nasal mask during treatment and its effects disappear quickly once the procedure has finished.

Treatment under general anaesthetic is recommended for children who are young, have extensive or complex dental requirements or who are unable to cope in the dental chair. It allows your child to sleep soundly whilst all their treatment is completed in one visit. Dental care can be completed to the highest standard whilst reducing the risk of traumatising your child.

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